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Why does Russia persecute Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Russian version of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, labeled an extremist material in 2017. Photo: Igor Mikeshin

In 2017, Jehovah’s Witnesses were declared an extremist organization and banned in Russia. Since then, hundreds of believers have been prosecuted and many put in prison for up to eight years. Why are Jehovah’s Witnesses the most persecuted religious community in today’s Russia?

For my research project, I interview Jehovah’s Witness (JW) refugees based in Finland, Latvia, and Estonia that have fled persecution in Russia. The main questions I seek to explore are why and how JWs persecuted in Russia and how they are received in Finland, Latvia, and Estonia.

What is going on?

In 2017, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation declared the organization of JWs extremist and later the same year, the court in Vyborg declared the New World Translation of the Bible that JWs use extremist material. Despite their multiple appeals to various jurisdictions in and outside Russia, the law enforcement and judicial system unfolded a state-wide persecution of believers.

Throughout their 150-year history, JWs have suffered persecution from authoritarian regimes. In Nazi Germany, many JWs were sent to concentration camps or executed for the refusal to salute the state symbols and join the army. In Stalin’s Soviet Union, they were deported with families to Siberia as ”anti-Soviet elements” in 1949 and 1951. Later on, the conditions were somewhat loosened but until the end of the Soviet regime, they were routinely discriminated against, harassed, and incarcerated for their refusal to serve in the army. In post-Soviet Russia, they were legalized (up until 2017) but faced much hostility from the pro-Orthodox and anti-US media and propaganda.

The ban of 2017 was hence somewhat expected but the extent of the prosecutions was not. At the time of writing of this post (January 16, 2024), 846 people have been prosecuted, 2162 house searches conducted, 451 people incarcerated (151 currently behind bars) with an average sentence of 5-6 years, and a maximum of 8 years. There were initially 9 people sentenced to eight years or more but for 3 of them, their sentences were reduced. In my interviews, believers also report tremendous pressure, intimidation, and harassment put on them by the authorities, law enforcement, and even at their places of work or study.

A female JW recounted:

…the police investigators, they were quite rude. I found out in which police station [my husband] was and arrived there at night. First, they refused to talk under video cameras. They brought me outside. They didn’t introduce themselves, nothing. They just let me know that they were well aware of where my children studied, at what time I was bringing them there, when I was coming back. Our daughter was about twelve back then. And they just straight out asked me, do you know the rape statistics of twelve-year-olds?

In most cases, the conviction is based on Article 282 of the Criminal Code: ”The incitement of hatred or animosity, and also the humiliation of human dignity.” In short, this crime is usually referred to as ”extremism.” This article of the Criminal Code was introduced in 1996 to target potentially dangerous ultra-right or religious fundamentalist groups and individuals not directly involved in violence. However, after Putin came to power, the implementation of anti-extremist legislation and the introduction of new laws and amendments targeted political and ideological opposition. Despite the peaceful nature of the JW community, including their refusal to bear arms, the anti-extremist legislation is used to prosecute them for the reasons of convenience and vagueness of criteria.

Biblical prophecies

Why are JWs targeted and persecuted so viciously? There are a number of reasons but let me first address the one JWs themselves believe to be the main reason. For them, persecutions are to be expected because they fulfil the prophecies set out in the Bible. First, as Jesus Christ himself said, ”If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you” (John 15:20, NWT). Anyone who follows the true teachings of Christianity will be rejected by the corrupt world and persecuted. Hence, persecutions even serve as indirect evidence for JWs’ faith.

Second, there are apocalyptic prophecies that describe in great detail the end of the world as we know it (or, as JWs call it, ”the system of things”). The Gospel of Luke and the Book of Revelation give an account of the last times, namely, the escalation of wars, epidemics, natural disasters, and the overall degradation of human nature. Needless to say, current global events, amplified by the media, give JWs all the evidence they need.

Lastly, the most important prophecy concerning the geopolitical situation of the last two centuries is contained in the 11th chapter of the Book of Daniel. This chapter describes the constant struggle between the King of the North and the King of the South for world domination, sometimes interrupted by peace agreements, which are then again broken. Meanwhile, the People of God are persecuted, especially by the King of the North.

JWs interpret this story as a description of the geopolitical struggles between world powers. In the first half of the 20th century, the King of the North was Nazi Germany, and the King of the South the Anglo-American alliance. After World War II, the Soviet Union took over as the King of the North. The People of God are JWs themselves, and the Abomination, which they translate as ”’Disgusting Thing that causes desolation,” is the United Nations.

After the collapse of the Soviet system, JWs were unsure of the further unfolding of events. But with escalating pressure on their community in Russia and the growing anti-Western sentiment and authoritarian power in Russia, which led to the ban in 2017, they affirmed that Russia was now the King of the North.

Practical reasons

Apart from biblical prophecies, there are practical reasons for persecution, on which both JWs and outsider secular researchers tend to agree. The first reason is JWs’ political neutrality, including their refusal to bear arms and serve in the armed forces. They refuse to participate in any political activity, be it a salutation of a flag, reciting an anthem, swearing an oath, voting, or entering any political party or organization. In that, as well as their refusal to serve in the armed forces (they usually agree to a civil service alternative, when available), they show an uncompromised firmness and readiness to face any circumstances or punishments imposed on them. Historically, this rigidity put them in prisons, concentration camps, exiles, and on death row.

The second reason, which has become specifically relevant in Putin’s Russia, is their connection to the United States. JWs are a hierarchical organization with a spiritual center and Governing Body situated in the US (currently in Warwick, NY). This connection alone has historically led to accusations of them being agents of Western influence if not espionage. Russian Orthodox ideologues use this connection to emphasize that JWs are alien to the Russian people and culture. In the justification for criminal indictments and pro-Kremlin media reports, this connection is usually the most common argument against JWs.


JWs believe that persecution is a commonly expected outcome of following the true teachings of the Christian faith. When forced to suffer for their principles, JWs display resilience and strength, based on the ultimate hope for the New World under God’s rule. However, JWs do not welcome persecutions and they are not happy to be personally affected.

From the spiritual point of view, everything’s clear. But when it affects you, right here and now, it’s happening, it’s harder to accept,”

reflected one of my interviewees. JWs face their fate when prosecuted, incarcerated, exiled, or even executed. However, when possible, they escape, keep a low profile, go underground, or emigrate abroad – for instance, to Finland. Vulnerable and peaceful people, they try to support each other as much as possible. Fleeing from the war in Ukraine and from persecution by the same regime in Russia, they reunite in Finland with their brothers and sisters in faith.