To Fall Like A Leaf

Hakemuksen tiivistelmä

Even when we are not conscious about it, simply by existing, by breathing and walking this shared planet we are shaping the lives of other beings. It is the tragedy of our existence or as scientist and member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Robin Wall Kimmerer writes: “the inescapable tension between honoring life around us and taking it in order to live” (Braiding Sweetgrass, 2013). My artistic work To Fall Like a Leaf investigates interwoven themes and responsibilities of habitat loss, climate change and grief. Through a tender way of working, I want to develop a reciprocity of art and nature and tell the story of interspecies connections while contributing to a greater understanding of the more-than-human world. I use a mix of photographic techniques, installations, paper and printmaking dedicated to organic materials and decay. Attending to captive, urban and wild beings, the work will be structured in the form of three interconnected projects to understand the intricacies of more-than-human entanglements. Each part of the project will have a dedicated research companion: (1) The night and the urban animals she shelters. (2) The Emerald Green Sea Slug who challenges the distinction of fauna from flora. (3) And Plasmodial Slime Mold with their wisdoms on leaves and decay. Each part will be accompanied by an exhibition that journeys into the topics of companionship, grief, and reciprocity. The artistic process is characterised by alternative photographic methods such as chlorophyll printing and images on handmade paper from natural fibres. These mixed material installations are created and exhibited in synergy with organic entities such as leaves, branches, soil and slime mold. A process that invites the agency of different elements to perceive artworks in an ever-changing dialogue with their surroundings. My goal is to re-wild artistic processes and exhibition spaces to unravel how we can nurture inter-species connectedness through art.
