Apurahat ja residenssipaikat Through the Mire; The Things We Carry Päähakija Visual Artist Camilo Gladys Myöntösumma 7200 € Tukimuoto Yleinen rahoitushaku Alat KuratointiKuvataideTaidekritiikki, taidejournalismi Myöntövuosi 2020 Kesto Yksivuotinen Jos omistat hankkeen, voit kirjautua sisään ja lisätä hankkeen tietoja. Kirjaudu sisään Jaa: Takaisin apurahalistaukseen Hakemuksen tiivistelmä During my home residency I would like to continue developing and refining my paintings. Most of my practice revolves heavily around people; families, women and children. The topics I’ve been exploring deal with identity, immigrants, trauma and the burdens we carry when we live and see too much. These topics are very personal to me and during this home residency, more than ever, I would like to focus on immigrants, like myself. Being an immigrant in Finland is at times difficult, and now with the pandemic, I really feel and see the impact within my life and within the lives of those around me. I hear heavy stories from fellow immigrants who are struggling to survive financially in a foreign country while dealing with mental and emotional instability. In essence, those experiences and stories will be what fuels my work. Takaisin apurahalistaukseen