Apurahat ja residenssipaikat Prison Outside – a cross-disciplinary intercultural exchange and research on collaborative arts in prison context, resulting in a multimedia production, conference, and an online resource Päähakija Master of Arts Artemeva Anastasia ja työryhmä Hankkeen jäsenet Kuukausiapurahan saajat: Tucker Arlene, Artemeva Anastasia Myöntösumma 4600 € Tukimuoto Muut myönnöt Myöntövuosi 2021 Jos omistat hankkeen, voit kirjautua sisään ja lisätä hankkeen tietoja. Kirjaudu sisään Jaa: Takaisin apurahalistaukseen Hakemuksen tiivistelmä LISÄMYÖNTÖ. Alkuperäinen apuraha myönnetty 1.12.2017. The artistic research and practice of Prison Outside project is centred on the subject of imprisonment, and the relationships between people in prisons and the people outside. We are interested in the stereotypes and perceptions that people have of convicts and ex-convict. In the years 2018/19 the project Prison Outside will expand to include new collaborators and give support and acknowledgement to programmes already existent in the field, carried out by artists, social workers, and ex-convicts. Various strategies will include artistic exchange between youth in juvenile detention in Russia and in Finland and facilitate communication between people working with convicts all over the world through a conference, professional visits, and a online resource. Our main goal is to make censored subject like imprisonment become a part of transcultural discourse, facilitate exchange and to acknowledge work that is being done in both Russia and Finland. In this project we employ art practices to encourage dialogue between inside and outside, people of different walks of life, and the two neighbouring countries. Loppuraportin tiivistelmä The artistic research and practice of Prison Outside project is centred on the subject of imprisonment, and the relationships between people in prisons and the people outside. We are interested in the stereotypes and perceptions of persons affected by incarceration. In the years 2018/22 the project Prison Outside expanded to include new collaborators and give support and acknowledgement to programmes already existent in the field, carried out by artists, social workers, and ex-prisoners. We strive to make censored subjects like imprisonment become a part of transcultural discourse and facilitate exchange. During the five years our various strategies included artistic exchange and facilitated communication between people working with convicts all over the world through conferences, art exhibitions, workshops, professional visits, and participatory and informative online resources. Our geographical outreach included Europe as well as North & South America. In 2021 - 2022 in Finland we worked with MIELI Suomen Mielenterveys ry, Miesten asema and Kriisikeskus in Mikkeli. Our transnational partners included Carole Alden, The Justice Arts Coalition, and The Irish Prison Service, Helsinki International Artist Programme (HIAP) to name a few. Takaisin apurahalistaukseen