Apurahat ja residenssipaikat Taide Feminist sonic technologies {recon} Päähakija artist Greie-Ripatti Antye Myöntösumma 38250 € Tukimuoto Yleinen rahoitushaku Alat KuratointiMedia- ja äänitaidePolitiikan ja hallinnon tutkimus Myöntövuosi 2020 Kesto Kolmivuotinen Jos omistat hankkeen, voit kirjautua sisään ja lisätä hankkeen tietoja. Kirjaudu sisään Jaa: Takaisin apurahalistaukseen Hakemuksen tiivistelmä Continuation of the Recon project [Kone Foundation 2020], growing into a network of global feminist sound art & listening community, commissioning exclusive work of political sound and listening. I would like to grow the project into a specific support network of artists working bravely with sound by commissioning women & feminist artists for contribution to the exhibition space rec-on.org. My plan is to facilitate the projects, oversea the contributions and build the spaces and network. Loppuraportin tiivistelmä rec-on.org was able to commission incredible exclusive work of political sound and listening. The space continued to grow with help of Kone Foundation. It was possible to pay artists, writers, composers and entire art groups small compensations, which is fundamental. Works from places all over the world have found ways of expression and noticing through our projects, most notably we collaborated with an Iranian sound collective, a group of writers and artists in India around subjects of feminist & indigenous struggles and many more. We published feminist work from Chile, Philippines, Vietnam, Finland, India, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Indonesia, Ukraine, Latvia, Serbia, Romania, Czech, Palestine, Manipur, Norway, South-Africa, Kurdish Iran, Indigenous Canada, Kurdish Iraq. Many of these artist produced very unique work that is innovative or crossing knowable boundaries and hybridity. The contributions are moving and powerful. All together we are able to show feminist struggles and through facilitation and listening we are slowly growing into a network of global feminist sound art & listening community. one can listen and read here: l̊i̊s̊t̊e̊n̊ to gaps, margins, edges & the bravest entry: https://rec-on.org/ list/index: https://rec-on.org/index-sitemap.html #feministsonictechnologies https://rec-on.org/feministsonictechnologies.html rec-on.org has also contributed to numrous radio programs and are part of collaborative networks globally. Takaisin apurahalistaukseen