Energy-Matters in the context of war. Neo-extractivism, fossil fascism, and the post-national question

Energy-Matters in the context of war indexes and analyzes ongoing operations of neo-extractivism, datafication, and fossil fascism vis-à-vis a cartography of geographies in resistance. Our research addresses the energy wars with the predicament of planetary devastation. Our work provides a basis for a public internationalist debate, exchange, and documentation promoting eco-social reparations for transformative justice. The proposal advances Red Forest’s research trajectory on Energetic Materialism as a basis for a relational and environmental philosophy of change, bridging Amerindian and Northeast Eurasian Indigenous insights and philosophies. The project encompasses a methodology for studying the social ecology of energy through: 1) Philosophy of Transformation, Indigenous Insurgent Sciences, and Critical Geography; 2) Videograms documenting neo-extractivist dynamics and impacts, as well as documenting political imaginaries in eco-social resistance; 3) Radiograms debating the post-national question in relation to fossil fascism and neo-colonialism; 4) Epistemological contributions for eco-social reparations in solidarity entanglements through translations and publication formats. With this project, Red Forest ventures into long-term learning and researching-with the indigenous resistance movements in the Northeast Eurasia, specifically with regard to their anti-extractivist initiatives in Siberia and the Arctic. This segment of the project establishes sustainable exchange structures between our working group (in Helsinki, Kyiv, Berlin, London) and the activists of anti-colonial initiatives within the Russian Federation - mostly of Ugro-Finnic or Turkic origin. And inscribes the overlooked struggles of the indigenous peoples in the Eurasian continent into the global landscape of anti-extractivist, anti-imperialist, antifascist practices, and bridges them with the Abya Yala (Americas continent).