Delay the Time

Hakemuksen tiivistelmä

I would use my stay at the Saari Residence to continue working on my new book of poems and on my personal research on Delay the Time. I am interested in how to reach deep time, how to feel the time that passes, not the time that flies. In my poetry, I deal with the themes of nature and its influence on time and the experience of the passage of time. I am interested in how we, people, when we are responsible towards nature and act as its inseparable part, begin to slow down time unconsciously? I come from a region where the relationship with nature is neglected, where nature is used and taken from it. For me, it's a very challenging topic - how to work on increasing awareness in your environment, how to influence people to change their bad attitude towards nature? Poetry is my channel, through which I try to speak about environmental issues and influence. Over the years, nature has become a topic with two meanings for me - metaphysical and activist, and through this book I want to connect both meanings and point out that they influence each other. The physical state of the world, forests, oceans, etc. affects the spiritual world of all living things. Also, on the contrary - the spiritual growth of man affects that everything that is alive in nature lives in better conditions. These are the topics that I want to deal with and that I want to explore during my stay in Saari.