Apurahat ja residenssipaikat Tiede ja taide Antisemitism Undermining Democracy Päähakija Senior Researcher Czimbalmos Mercédesz ja työryhmä (Debunking Antisemitism Working Group) Hankkeen jäsenet Kuukausiapurahan saajat: Czimbalmos Mercédesz, Pataricza Dóra, Bogle Jonah, Varga Nóra Myöntösumma 386000 € Tukimuoto Teemahaut Alat Esittävä taideKulttuuritieteetSosiologia Myöntövuosi 2022 Kesto Nelivuotinen Jos omistat hankkeen, voit kirjautua sisään ja lisätä hankkeen tietoja. Kirjaudu sisään Jaa: Takaisin apurahalistaukseen Hakemuksen tiivistelmä Recent examples from various European countries show that the occurrence of antisemitic incidents and hate crimes has been on the rise in most European societies, including the Finnish society. The dangers of antisemitism Finland’s democracy have also been recognized internationally. Previous scientific research has pointed out, that the scale of antisemitism negatively correlates with the scale of democracy in a country. The project aims to initiate novel research on antisemitism in Finland, by studying several manifestations of the phenomena from an interdisciplinary angle. It will account for online antisemitism (Antisemitism 2.0), perceived antisemitism (Antisemitism Experienced) real-life antisemitic incidents (Antisemitism Performed). It will deepen the understanding of systems of oppression, not only limited to antisemitism but also racism, and will shed light on how systems of oppression are interconnected. The results of the research will be disseminated on both academic and non-academic platforms, in scientific and artistic formats. The project will provide a unique and proactive pillar to strengthen the democracy of the state, promote inter-religious and intercultural exchange as well as help those politically, racially, or religiously persecuted by fighting antisemitism and other forms of racism. Moreover, the project team will stress the importance of interacting with not only the general society, but the key actors, stakeholders, and policymakers to act on not only the growing antisemitic threats but to threats to other minorities and thus, to the democratic system. The extreme rise of antisemitic incidents and hate crimes in Finland and the Nordics pose threat to the counties’ democracy and its minority populations, therefore, the implementation of the project is especially urgent. Takaisin apurahalistaukseen