Abused Men

There is no question that domestic violence directed at women is a serious problem. In too many cases of domestic violence, the male is the abusing party. But what happens when the roles are reversed, and the male is in fact the victim? Do men in this situation tend to hesitate to ask for help and support, due to cultural beliefs that dictate that a real man shouldn’t show feelings, but be strong and silent if he wants to be a ‘real man’. And: when help is finally sought, is this request taken seriously or bluntly mocked? I will photograph and interview men in Finland and the Nordic countries who have been victims of partner violence. My impression is that men in Finland are more tied up to traditional norms regarding “male behaviour”, than what is the case in some other Nordic countries. This can perhaps in part be explained due to a less developed feminist movement in Finland compared with neighbouring Sweden. In a sense, this work is an examination of the hidden. It seeks to shed light and inspire new ways of thinking and dealing with domestic violence. The work will culminate in a touring exhibition with photographs and a collection of video interviews, where atleast fifteen different men with their own words express their experiences on being in an abusive relationship. During the exhibitions, experts in the field of domestic violence, researchers and social workers will be invited to take part in discussions and debates. Media will be invited to these events.

The work will first be exhibited in Kulttuuritalo Laikku in Tampere on the 23.7–15.8.2022.
The exhibition will show photographs and videointerviews.
Due to Covid some countries were harder to visit and many organisations that work with victims of domestic violence has been completely closed due to the pandemic. These places in general have small to no funding and have therefor been harder to reach. I.ex ATV stiftelsen i Oslo was closed for a very large portion of the pandemic.
However this has not stopped the project from proceeding and participators have been found in Finland, Sweden and Denmark.