Another Story

Hakemuksen tiivistelmä

Pixelache association supports collaborative projects and leverages its resources and members’ expertise to create process-driven and contextually relevant activities aimed at broadening the scope of media art. In celebration of its 20th Anniversary in 2022, Pixelache engaged curator Kisito Assangni to produce a comprehensive article analysing the association's two decades of activity and contextualising it within the landscape of grassroots organisations globally. Additionally, Pixelache played a key role in the establishment of the media art archive MEHI, a valuable repository of knowledge that warrants further exploration and revitalization. These initiatives have prompted Pixelache to reflect on its own limitations, leading to the inception of Another Story, a project designed to incorporate emerging trends and explore new narratives in media art and beyond. By acknowledging and addressing its constraints, Pixelache has identified similar trends within other media art institutions in Finland, which often prioritise familiar artists, shy away from risks, and lack meaningful connections to diverse global archives. Another Story seeks to challenge those trends and bridge this gap by conducting dynamic research to introduce fresh perspectives that are currently underrepresented in the Finnish media art landscape, thereby complementing the efforts of existing organisations and expanding the scope of action. Over the course of a three-year program, three invited curators will delve into the MEHI database and other international media art archives to curate annual exhibitions, featuring artists from Finland and beyond. The project aims to critically examine contemporary media art practices and compare curatorial approaches to showcase the evolving field. The outcomes of the program will be synthesised in an article unfolding the insights of curators and artists involved in the project.