Community artist Saari ResidenceFor residency applicants Saari Residence in Mynämäki, Finland Working at the Saari Residence Who can apply? What we offer Accommodation and workspaces Instructions for the online grant service Evaluation and decisions Frequently asked questions For Saari residents Accepting the residency and arriving at the Saari Residence Use of the residency grant and rescheduling Payment of residency grants Living and working at the Saari Residence Residency programmes Taxation and grant certificate Residency report The Saari Well Communication and social media Mentioning Kone Foundation and Saari Residence and the logos Saari Alumni Previous Residency Artists Community artist Ecologically sustainable residency programme The Saari Invited Artist Residencies Reflected About Saari Residence History of Saari Manor Saari Residence co-operation The Advisory Board of the Saari Residence Saari Residence staff “I am both a visual artist and a community artist. Since 2006, I have participated in various community art projects as a director, coordinator and workshop leader. As an artist, I am particularly interested in the everyday lives of people as well as in the meaning and significance that it holds. I find people’s stories interesting and feel that their experiences, knowledge, rituals, routines, hopes and dreams are not only important but very alluring. Community art is as much about telling people’s stories as it is about listening to them. Above all, however, it is about making ordinary life visible to others. I develop my community art projects together with their intended audience and consider it important that community art reflects the people who make it. In my workshops, I have combined many different techniques, everything from paintings to installations and garden parties to audio works. As a community artist, I want to deal with the problems of modern society, such as loneliness, inequality, unemployment and anxiety. I believe community art has true significance in the here and now – it can make a difference! It is also important that a project allows people to encounter not only themselves but each other as well. A sense of community has, therefore, often been the most important benefit gained in my workshops. These types of encounters enabled by art allow people to feel heard, which for some may be the first time in a long while. In my community art projects, the artist and participants work together as equals. I believe that happiness is the main objective of human life.“– The Saari Residence’s community artist Pia Bartsch News about community art projects at Saari Residence Triennial of Community Arts 2019: Voice Opening Saari Residence12.2.2019 “The best part was a demonstration march that included time to stop off at an ice-cream kiosk!” Saari Residence5.10.2018 MynäMural – First mural for Mynämäki Saari Residence23.8.2018 “Fun, wonderfully un-Finnish and not at all stuck up” Hôtel Triennial de Luxe opened its doors in Mynämäki Saari Residence28.4.2016 Who are responsible for tragedies? Saari Residence24.8.2017 Community art is about growing together Arts, Saari Residence4.10.2018