Frequently asked questions

No, unfortunately, there is no residency grant for researchers or non-fiction writers. The open call is for professional artists. 

However, individual researchers working on sustainability-related research, researchers and teams funded by the Foundation and  Metsän puolella (“For the Woods”) initiative can ask for accommodation at the Saari Manor’s main building for short intensive periods (maximum 2 weeks). 

Yes, working at the Saari Residence with a work partner is possible. If you would like to work at the Saari Residence with a work pair, you must apply for a residency using the same application form. You will both apply for your own grant, and it is also possible to apply for separate accommodation.

Yes, families are welcome, but you must note this in your application so we can arrange suitable accommodation. Keep in mind, however, that the Residence has a limited number of apartments suitable for families, and the residency is primarily for artists working in residence. Also, the parents or guardians are responsible for organising childcare while they work.

Residencies include an apartment, workspace and monthly grant.

Residency grant classifications are:

  • €2,700 / month (early career)
  • €3,200 / month (mid-career, min. 10 years of artistic work)
  • €3,800 / month (experienced, min. 20 years of artistic work).

The size of the monthly grant varies depending on experience. If you apply for grant 2 or 3, please describe your career phase on the application form. A higher grant level cannot be justified, e.g., with the need for supplies or travels. The grant is intended for living and travel expenses as well as other costs. Working and living at the Residence for 42 days during the residency period is a prerequisite for receiving the grant.

If you are granted a residency, you must also inform the Saari Residence office of any other working grant received simultaneously. In such cases, a reduced monthly grant is paid, usually half of the grant sum.

No, residencies are not available during the summer of 2026. The workspaces are being renovated, and we cannot host residents in the first stages of the renovation.

Unfortunately, there are no group residencies available. There are no workspaces in the summer of 2026, and we are not able to host residents in the summer.

You can read more about the renovation from our website.

The upcoming renovation beginning in the summer of 2026 will affect our residency program:

  • No group residencies (or any other residencies) will be available during the summer of 2026.
  • In the autumn of 2026, the individual artist and artistic duos will not have separate workspaces besides those in their apartments. This should also be taken into account in the work plan, as it is not possible to work with mess-producing materials in the apartments, which are mainly suitable for working at a desk.

There may be minor noise disturbances on weekdays.

The online application service is open only during the application period. Applications cannot be submitted before or after the application period. Please wait until 1 March, when the online application service opens.

Once you have submitted your application, its status will change to “Application received” and within a week of the deadline it will update to “Application under evaluation”.

No, we do not accept attachments sent by mail or email. All necessary attachments are to be uploaded to the online application system and attached to the application. The file format should be PDF. The maximum size of one file is 6 MB. Remember to select the file type from the drop-down list on the online application form.

You may also provide a link to a webpage, video platform or other online portfolio or demonstration of your work. Remember to select the link type from the drop-down list.

The recommendation is not required, but it may have a significant impact when evaluating two applicants of equal merit or ones working in similar fields or on similar themes and subject matters.

No, the recommendation letters must be sent using the online service by 31 March, 4 p.m. Finnish time, at the latest. After this, the recommendation service will close and will not accept any more submissions. Only recommendations sent during the application period will be considered.

If you receive a paper copy, please scan and attach it to your application as a PDF.

Yes, you may apply for more than one residency spot). This must be mentioned in each application in the section Other funding.

Yes, you may apply for more than one residency spot. This must be mentioned in each application in the section Other funding.

The application form is available in Finnish and English. The application and attachments can be written in Finnish or English.

Please create a new account with your new email.

The application period ends on 31 March at 4 p.m., Finnish time (EEST, UTC +3).

The decisions are announced in mid-June, and we will announce the specific date closer to that the time. We will send an email to all the grant applicants informing them of either a negative or positive decision. In addition, grant recipients will receive a letter by post and we will publish the names of the grant recipients on our website.

Unfortunately, we do not comment on individual funding decisions.  Kone Foundation receives a large number of good applications each year and is unable to provide funding for every compelling or worthy application. You can read more about evaluation and decisions here.