Home Grants Funding programmes and thematic grant calls Thematic grant call 2021: Language, Power and Democracy Thematic grant call 2021: Language, Power and Democracy The first thematic funding call in the programme, “Is Democracy Eroding?”, will focus on projects that explore the connection between language and democracy. The awareness of the role of language in society has increased, and its significance in societal participation is now understood better than ever. At the same time, however, discriminatory language is becoming more common and continues to spread on social media. GrantsFor grant applicants Criteria for applying Kone Foundation’s focuses in awarding grants Guidelines for making an application Evaluation and decisions Frequently asked questions Propose a peer reviewer For grant recipients General information about the grant Grant payment, social security and taxation Grants+ Project communications Kamari booking calender Kone Foundation logos and mentioning the funder Funding programmes and thematic grant calls Funding programme: Is Democracy Eroding? (2021–2025) Thematic grant call 2024: Media and Democracy in Finland in the 2020s Thematic grant call 2022: The current state and challenges of Finnish democracy Thematic grant call 2021: Language, Power and Democracy Previous thematic grant calls Metsän puolella initiative (“For the Woods“) Metsän puolella: Guidelines for making a grant application Vuoden Tiedekynä Academic Writing Award How has the situation of language use changed, and how can we meet the needs of all members of society? How do schools take everyday multilingualism into account, and how can they improve? How has new public management been embedded in the language of administration and power? The growth of digitalisation and the use of artificial intelligence may make face-to-face interaction less common and services less accessible to some citizens. Will they lead to experiences of injustice and increasing exclusion? The projects funded by the thematic call must perform academic research or be based on academic research. The foundation encourages multidisciplinary co-operation between social scientists and linguists, and the partners can include artists, journalists and activists. Kone Foundation’s annual grant call was held 1–15 September, 2021. The thematic grant call was arranged as part of the annual grant call.