Home Grants For grant applicants Propose a peer reviewer Propose a peer reviewer Who should Kone Foundation invite as a peer reviewer in future evaluations of grant applications? You can propose an expert in research or art for the task. GrantsFor grant applicants Criteria for applying Kone Foundation’s focuses in awarding grants Guidelines for making an application Evaluation and decisions Frequently asked questions Propose a peer reviewer For grant recipients General information about the grant Grant payment, social security and taxation Grants+ Project communications Kamari booking calender Kone Foundation logos and mentioning the funder Funding programmes and thematic grant calls Funding programme: Is Democracy Eroding? (2021–2025) Thematic grant call 2025: Securitization and Democracy Thematic grant call 2024: Media and Democracy in Finland in the 2020s Thematic grant call 2022: The current state and challenges of Finnish democracy Thematic grant call 2021: Language, Power and Democracy Previous thematic grant calls Metsän puolella initiative (“For the Woods“) Metsän puolella: Guidelines for making a grant application Vuoden Tiedekynä Academic Writing Award You can send us your proposal at the end of this page. About the evaluation process The aim of Kone Foundation’s grantmaking is to create conditions for free and diverse academic research and art. The foundation supports research in the humanities, social sciences, and environmental studies, as well as artistic research and artistic work, and interdisciplinary projects that combine or are based on research and art. Approximately 6,000 applications are submitted annually to Kone Foundation’s grant call, and they are evaluated by about 50 peer reviewers who change on a yearly basis. The reviewers are practitioners in the fields supported by the Foundation. The rotation of reviewers ensures diverse perspectives and prevents too much decision-making power from being concentrated on the same individuals. Peer reviewers make recommendations for grantees to the foundation’s Board of trustees, which makes the grant decisions. Selecting the peer reviewers Peer reviewers are invited for each different application call, and the selection emphasizes expertise, breadth of knowledge, and diversity. Reviewers are expected to assess the academic or artistic quality of the projects while considering the strategic priorities outlined in the Foundation’s strategy. The reviewers must be aware of their position of power and consider diversity and equality in both the applicants and the work being evaluated. Reviewers may also participate in the evaluation of multidisciplinary applications in addition to their own fields of expertise. Good reading proficiency in Finnish and English is required from reviewers. You can suggest yourself or another suitable researcher or artist for the reviewing task. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees plays a central role in selecting the reviewers. In addition to an open suggestion channel, we also ask the reviewers from previous evaluation rounds for suggestions. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees does not provide individual justifications for grant decisions or disclose the names of experts who evaluated the applications. This way, any criticism of the selections is directed towards the Foundation rather than the reviewers. However, after the decisions have been published, reviewers are free to disclose their participation as reviewers if they wish to do so. Instructions and compensation Peer reviewers receive comprehensive instructions before the evaluation of applications, which is conducted independently online. The work is carried out during late September, October, and early November, and reviewers are compensated based on the number of evaluated applications in addition to a basic fee. Consideration is given to issues of conflict of interest during the handling of applications. Reviewers must disclose their relationships with applicants in their immediate circles, as well as memberships and affiliations that may influence the evaluation. Personal data and the contents of the applications must be treated confidentially. For more information, please contact Kalle Korhonen, Director of Funding at Kone Foundation (050 344 7468, kalle.korhonen@koneensaatio.fi). More info about our application process: see our instructions for applicants. Propose a reviewer Would you like to suggest a reviewer for research or art?(Required) A reviewer for research applications A reviewer for art and culture applications Field in research(Required)Field in art(Required)Name of suggested expert(Required)Title and field of expertise(Required)Why would you or the suggested reviewer be suitable for the task? Write a short reasoning for your suggestion.(Required)Press Send to give us your proposal. Thank you for your input!CAPTCHA