


Statistics and listings of grants, prizes and donations 2019

In 2019, Kone Foundation awarded grants, prizes and donations totalling EUR 32 million.

The amount of 32 million euro includes the following funding:

  • General grant call, 30 336 890 EUR
  • Environmentally sustainable encounters, special funding call 237 920 EUR
  • Saari Residence grants 280 569 EUR
  • Lauttasaari Manor residence grants, 33 200 EUR
  • Vuoden Tiedekynä prize for 2019, EUR 25,000
  • Other grants in 2019, 760 000 EUR


General grant call

A total of EUR 30 336 890 and 294 grants were awarded through the general grant call in 2019. Decisions on grants to be awarded were taken by the Board of Trustees on 29 November 2019.

A total of 5,507 applications were submitted for the application round of 1 to 15 September. There is a total of 294 grant recipients; individuals, work groups, or organisations. Over 500 people work in the projects funded.

Of the EUR 30,3 million granted, 62,5 % was awarded for scholarly projects, 15,5 % for art projects, 21,7 % for projects linking research and art, and 0,3 % for other cultural projects.

Award rates in the general call

  • 5 % of the applications received a grant in the general grant application round.
  • The award rate for research projects was 6,9 %.
  • The award rate for art projects was 4 %.
  • The award rate for projects linking research and art was 7,7%.
  • The award rate for other cultural work was 0,6 %.
  • In relation to the number of euros applied for, the overall award rate was 6,5.
  • The award rate for research projects was 7,8.
  • The award rate for art projects was 4,2.
  • The award rate for projects linking research and art was 8,8.
  • The award rate for other cultural work was 0,3.

Saari Residence

A total of 29 artists and 13 working groups were selected for the Saari Residence in 2019. A total of 698 applications were made from 71 different countries. The award rate for residency places is 5,6 of the number of applicants. Decisions on residencies to be awarded were taken by the Kone Foundation Board of Trustees on 7 June 2019.

Lauttasaari Manor Residence

In total, 14 applications were made for the Lauttasaari Manor Residence and grants were awarded for 3 of these. Decisions on grants to be awarded were taken by the Board of Trustees on 29 November 2019.

Special funding call for ecological encounters

Alongside the Kone Foundation general application call, a special funding call was arranged for grantees and projects already supported by the Foundation, as well as those arriving at the Saari Residence in 2020. The aim of the call was to support encounters which are environmentally responsible. In this call, altogether 237 920 euros were awarded to 28 initiatives.


Grant recipients 2019

Saari Residence residency awards 2019

Recipients of research funding by university or institution

Largest funding amounts in 2019 grant application round
