


Statistics of projects funded in 2017

Twenty-nine million euros were awarded in the 2017 annual funding round. The foundation received 6,385 applications, and grants were awarded to 374 applicants, resulting in funding of 5.9% of applicants’ projects. Of the awarded 29 million euros, 47% has been allocated to research, 16% to art, 36% to projects that combine research and artistic work and 1% to other cultural initiatives.

In the thematic funding call “Neighbour Dialogues,” nine grants totalling 2,314,500 euros were awarded. Eight grants were awarded in the thematic funding call “Ecological Compensations in Society and Culture,” a total of 1,378,000 euros.

In the annual general call, the foundation awarded 357 grants totalling 25,314,200 euros. These included 327 new grants totalling 23,595,000 euros and 30 continuation grants totalling 1,719,200 euros. The admission rate for new grants in the annual general call was 5,4 % of the number of applications.

In all, Kone Foundation has awarded 30.6 million euros in grants in 2017. This sum includes, besides the grants awarded on December 1, the funding for the winners of the Vuosisadan rakentajat (“Builders of the Century”) challenge, the Finnish Society of Bioart, the IHME Festival and the Saari Manor residency grants. In addition to the grants, the foundation donated 2 million euros to the capital campaign of Finnish universities.

Largest grants:

RESEARCH & ARTS Sami activist and director Päivi Pauliina Feodoroff  & work group €685,600 Constructing an Alternate Reality: Water Conservation in the Näätämö River Catchment Area, Pastureland Conservation in the Muddusjärvi Reindeer Herding Cooperative by Combining Tradition and Science

RESEARCH & ARTS Suomen Pakolaisapu ry (Finnish Refugee Council) €530,000 Defusing Confrontation and Promoting Successful Relations between Population Groups via Dialogue and Mediation

RESEARCH & ARTS Docent,PhD Joona Taipale, & work group €525,000 Interaction and Demarcation: The Experiential Demarcation of Self and Others

RESEARCH & ARTS Docent Panu Halme & work group €505,000 Science Embracing Art to Launch Small-scale Ecological Compensation

RESEARCH & ARTS PhD Ralf Kauranen,& work group €468,000  Comics and Migration. Sense of Belonging, Narratives, Activism

RESEARCH Docent, lecturer Sari Irni & work group €420,000 Environmental Sustainability in the Kitchen: Arctic Potential in the Transformation of Cuisine

RESEARCH & ARTS Associate professor Lena Näre & work group €402,000 Struggles over Home and Citizenship – Neighbourhood Solidarity as a Response to the ‘Asylum Crisis’

ARTS HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme €400,000 Post-fossil Art and Concepts – Artist Residencies as Pioneers of Ecological Transition

RESEARCH & ARTS Pertti Grönholm & work group €381,000  Talking Machines – The Electronic Human Voice as an Interpreter of Emotion and Sense of Self 1960–2020.

RESEARCH & ARTS Maarit Leskelä-Kärki & work group €380,000 In Search of New: Esotericism and Religious Transformation in Modernising Finland (1880–1940)

RESEARCH & ARTS Hanna Kuusi & work group €347,000 Politics of Population Growth, Authorities on Sexuality and Human Experiences in Post-war Finland

RESEARCH Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies €350,000 Extension application for the Doctor of Arts programme of the Collegium

ARTS Perpetuum Mobile ry  €330,000 Visual culture (visual arts, film) Safe Haven Residencies secretariat and centre for Artists at Risk

RESEARCH & ARTS Metsähallitus (Administration of Forests) €320,000 Organisation of the Natural Concert Hall event

RESEARCH Jussi Ojajärvi & work group €320,000 The production of Tove Jansson – Tove Jansson Companion and its parallel works