


New employees at the Foundation: Meet Marianne and Tiina

We recently welcomed new members to the Kone Foundation staff. Marianne Parvinen started as grants secretary in June, filling in for Neea Eloranta, who is on study leave. Tiina Harju joined us last week and is working as finance secretary.

The summer has brought two new employees to the manor. Marianne Parvinen started work as the Foundation’s grant secretary in June to fill in for our office secretary, Neea Eloranta, for the next two years, while she takes a leave of absence for studies. Tiina Harju has a Vocational Qualification in Accounting and started as the Foundation’s financial secretary at the beginning of August.

Marianne has a Master of Arts degree and majored in folkloristics and, over the last few years, has worked for various organisations in fields such as culture. “My first impressions of working at Kone Foundation have been very positive. My colleagues are very nice and accomplished, and working here offers an excellent vantage point into the diverse world of culture and research,” says Marianne about her first few weeks at the Foundation. “It’s also a pleasure to have a workplace whose values match mine so well.”

Tiina has previously worked in the financial administration sector and as a café manager. “How my work history could benefit me in this job remains to be seen – there are numerous possibilities,” says Tiina. “On the basis of the interviews alone I was eager to start work. Kone Foundation’s values and strategy complement my philosophy of life one hundred per cent. I look forward to seeing everything I can learn here and what fascinating encounters I will make.”

Marianne and Tiina, we are happy to have you in our team – welcome to Lauttasaari Manor!