Grant recipients’ frequently asked questions

Some of the most frequently asked questions by our grant recipients.

The project leader submits the request and account details to which other expenses will be paid. This is often a project account, an organisation’s account or a private individual’s account. If a request is made for other expenses to be paid to a legal entity with a business ID, the payment request must include the business ID, reference number and the contact details of the entity.

Other expenses are primarily paid in one instalment per year, in which case they can be used throughout the year. If the other expenses are to be paid to a university account, they can be paid in one instalment (for instance, in a multi-year project).

Our personal monthly grants are intended to be used for full-time work. If you have a full-time grant, you can work elsewhere for a maximum of 25% of your total work time.

It is also possible to receive a smaller monthly grant (25%, 50% or 75% of the full grant) for part-time work. If you would like to edit the percentages of your awarded grant, please submit a change request via the online grant service.

The grant must be used for the purpose for which it has been awarded. Changes to the grant are possible, but these must be confirmed well in advance with the Foundation. For all major changes to the project, the project leader must submit a change request via the online service.

In most cases, your grant approval letter serves as a valid certificate of the grant, proving that you have been awarded a Kone Foundation grant.

If a grant recipient requires proof of payment of the grant, the project leader can download a certificate in PDF format from the online service on the “Payment request” page for each grantee (Account info > little PDF icon below “Monthly grant recipient”).

Please contact the Foundation office without delay and, if possible, suspend the payment of your grant in the online service. A grant will not be paid when a grantee is on sick leave. The Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution (Maatalousyrittäjien eläkelaitos, MELA) provides grant recipients with MELA sickness allowance. Read more here.

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