Residency artists and researchers Dance Taideosuuskunta Tsuumi Project K: A study of bodily intercommunication between dance, theatre and music within the context of performance art The Project K workgroup is studying the possiblities of bodily intercommunication between dance, theatre and music within the context of performance art. Our intention is to open up bodily perspectives into the significance of work methods with regard to decision-making in situations involving teamwork. The state of being “in the moment” inherent in performance art affects the decisions performers make on the stage. We are interested in recognizing the significance of this state of being “in the moment” to the work process; how decisions are made in situations involving teamwork and the extent to which bodily communication and the state of mind and body of each team member affects the team’s collective decision-making. Project K is divided into three different phases to ensure follow-through and to allow for sufficient time between phases to filter and make sense of new information. A three-phased model also allows for the production responsibilities of different phases to be distributed between several collaborators. Project K will be executed by Samuli Nordberg together with the workgroup, Tsuumi Dance Theatre and the Z-free concept of Zodiac Center for New Dance (Z-free is an event concept that affords select artists the possibility to publicly expand upon their work methods, develop their ideas and involve the public in their work processes).