Suomen kielen ja filosofian rakastajat

Workshop for translating philosophy and the philosophy of translation

We have specifically chosen Finnish translation as the focal point of our week-long workshop on the translation of philosophical texts. Therefore, all of the participants and guests are from Finland. Our work will be founded on peer discussion: during the workshop, we will discuss each participant’s on-going translation of a philosophical text. Discussions will also be held based on lectures and introductory talks by both guests and participants.

The aim is to discuss the practical problems associated with translating philosophical texts as well as the more general questions that stem from issues regarding the nature of translation and its relationship to philosophical thinking. In other words, our hope is that the discussion will touch equally upon both the translation of philosophy and the philosophy of translation as well as on how the former steers towards the latter.

The intention is to build an identity for those who translate philosophy into Finnish and to promote the formation of high standards for translation by articulating the challenges associated with translating into Finnish. At the same time, the workshop advances communication between generations of researchers and translators in two ways: First, by allowing for the experience and expertise of translators of fiction to enter into dialogue with translators of philosophical texts, and secondly, by creating the opportunity for experienced translators of philosophy to share their knowledge with their younger colleagues.

Workshop participants: Tiina Arppe, Pirkko Holmberg, Miika Luoto, Tuomas Nevanlinna, Tarja Roinila, Pajari Räsänen, Anna Tuomikoski and Taneli Viitahuhta.

Guests: Markku Lehtine and Mika Elo.