Residency artists and researchers Performing arts, performance art Marion Maisano & Martina Marti Designer-dramaturg and director-writer Marion Maisano and Martina Marti are founding members of the performance group Gnab Collective. Marion takes the role of designer-dramaturg, Martina the one of director-writer. They are both from Switzerland, Marion lives in Berlin, Martina in Helsinki. The aim of our residency is to develop the Gnab Collective’s trilogie about desicions and performance concept of the second part Double Life. The project is inspired by the film The Double Life of Veronica by the Polish director Krzysztof Kieslowski. Like in our previous projects the film serves as a starting point rather than a text that is to be brought to the stage. With Double Life we want to explore the decision between two possible plans of life. The work method we will apply at the residency consists of four parts. They should not be seen as phases that follow each other chronologically but rather as methodological units that take place at the same time and repeatedly: discussions, workshops, individual work and work demos involving other residents.