Residency artists and researchers Research Kaisa Kärki Master of Social Sciences My doctoral dissertation, entitled Voluntary Exclusions: Systemic Refusal as Active Resistance, applies the analytic philosophy of action, social philosophy as well as research in cultural and social politics. I am studying nonaction and in particular, acts of refusal directed at the social system i.e. acts such as conscientious objection, hunger strikes, not voting and not paying taxes, for example. I am particularly intrigued by the question of whether social exclusion can in fact be construed as intentional resistance to the entire social system. I am developing a comprehensive theory of action that includes both actions and intentional nonaction. This view of action allows for a value-neutral approach also to social exclusion. At the Saari Residence, I will finish writing Refusal to Act, an article in which, together with Professor Mikko Yrjönsuuri, we introduce the definition of refusing to act. I also intend to write up a final compilation of all the rough text fragments I’ve written during the past year. This script will serve as the raw material for the dissertation’s next articles.