Hi, my name is Kaido Ole and I´m an artist from Tallinn, Estonia, not very far from Turku and Saari. I´m a painter but mostly in co-operation with different friends and fellows we have made also many other kind of art – texts, videos, installations etc. If you like, you can visit my website WWW.KAIDOOLE.EU, representing mostly my own works plus John Smith project.
Actually my idea and purpose being here in Saari is to do nothing. It may look a very lazy attitude but I presume that everyone have experienced that doing nothing can quite often be a very creative and even productive status of yours. There are no doings, I mean real doings, I can not do at home, in my studio or somewhere else in Tallinn. I have a good studio (where I can be also alone in some mean ing), comfortable home, support of my family, friends, institutions I can need etc. This “pattern” guarantees me in most convenient way all art and other “production” I ever need to do. And the same “pattern” also keeps me busy and going year in and year out. Excellent, but part of mine, part of everyone I guess, needs once in a while to be in some sort of isolation, without any chance to continue usual activities. Like sort of mental vacuum where some other thoughts, observations and conclusions can occur instead of usual ones.
In this context I very much appreciate Saari location far from cities, towns and even villages, deep in the countryside. I´m very urban kind of person and in big cities I can easily find a new “pattern” to escape from some thoughts and problems waiting for thinking in my mind. But here, amid the fields and forests I have no other chance to stand face to face with myself. This nothing must turn to something, no doubt.