Residency artists and researchers Music Jarkko Hartikainen MA of Music, composer I am composing a 10-minute work for a 40-person chamber orchestra commissioned by the Tapiola Sinfonietta. The ritualistic work focuses on the sense of hearing and human physicality. I want to offer the audience both experiences that highlight the multifacetedness of sounds, and also a sensation of bodily impulses that remind us of our own physicality. In a more technical sense, I am primarily studying the expressive possibilities of different colours and sounds as well different kinds of pulses. This is something I am able to do for the first time with this large of a group – which I will, however, also be using largely in a mosaic-like way that highlights characteristics of chamber music and transparency. The musicians will resonate and support each other and form different kinds of conversions. Before coming to the Saari Residence, I have classified and tested different types of specific orchestration solutions both with individual musicians and with a whole orchestra. At the Residence, I will focus on developing and compiling the work both from these very instrument-specific components, and more traditionally through musical phenomena expressed with intervals.