Heli Meklin

MA (Dance)

Heli Meklin graduated from Theatre Academy Helsinki in 2006 and works as a choreographer, dancer and performer both in Finland and abroad. She is interested in different kinds of identities, people, phenomena, gender representations and ways of perceiving reality as well as subjects that are difficult to reach through words and thoughts. Meklin works both alone and in cooperation with other artists, combining different styles and media.

‘At the Saari Residence, I will be working on two stage performances for my project As if…called In Your Mind and Move the way you like because I love the way you move as well as on workshops relating to the project. The performances will be showcased in February 2014 at Kutomo in Turku.

As if… is a project I started in 2012 that explores various levels of physicality through different people and projects. As if…emerged from a need to focus the direction of my artistic work and to share it with others more extensively.

I wish to re-examine my methods and to acquire a more extensive understanding of my field. There is a need to expand on its theoretical foundation, acquire new artistic tools, develop means of production, and to create new networks in order to be able to work in all kinds of different projects and job descriptions.

An intrinsic part of the As if… project and its works is the act of creating without a predetermined, linguistically defined theme, through physicality. The goal is also to try to dissolve assumptions and obstacles that limit the discovery of new directions, both within and outside art, by giving in to my own interests without prejudice.

During my residency, I will also spend time making music, enjoying nature and planning a new work that combines the structural manifestations of spiritual events, new age aesthetics and musicals for the GoGo dance group Kuumat Putket, whose most recent work was a performance an examination of female clichés in the form of a drag show entitled JUST Queens.’