Residency artists and researchers Research Anu-Hanna Anttila Adjunct Professor, D.Soc.Sc Doctor of Social Sciences and Adjunct Professor of Sociology and Everyday History (Cultural History) Anu-Hanna Anttila will be working at the Saari Residence in September 2014 on a research residency. She is currently working on chapters for a book concerning the Voice and Silence of Class (VoxClass) project. The chapters focus on the traditions and present state of class theory as well as on the re-emergence of class with regard to hired domestic services. The VoxClass research project is funded by Kone Foundation (2012–2014)- Read about the collaboration between Anu-Hanna and Ana & Isabel from the Kone Foundation’s Boldness-blog (HTTPS://ROHKEUSKONEENSAATIO.WORDPRESS.COM/2014/11/) VoxClass: HTTP://VOXCLASS.BLOGSPOT.FI/ HTTP://WWW.KONEENSAATIO.FI.SERAVO.COM/EN/GRANTS/PROJECT-PRESENTATIONS/VOICE-AND-SILENCE-OF-CLASS