News Kone Foundation’s activities 07.12.2016 Are you looking for peer support, or would you like to support other grantees? Share: Mentoring means the informal transmission of experiences and knowledge from one person to another. The more experienced mentor guides and supervises a junior colleague. Mentoring helps you to build your own capacities and improve your networking skills. The mentor does not give correct answers to the mentee, but guides, helps, supervises, and encourages. We encourage our grantees to interact with each other, also by mentoring. We can connect the grantees who are interested in mentoring: you can for example book the Kamari for a mentoring event. If you are human, leave this field blank. Ilmoittaudun | I am interested in being a * Mentoriksi | MentorMentoroitavaksi | Mentee (mentoring recipient) Ketä haluaisit mentoroida? | Whom would you like to mentor? Kenet haluaisit mentoriksesi? | Whom would you prefer as your mentor? Miksi? | Why? * </div> </div> </div> <div class=”vfb-clearfix”/> <div class=”vfb-col-12 vfb-fieldType-select” id=”vfbField715″><label for=”vfb-field-715″ class=”vfb-control-label”>Asiointikieleni | Preferred language of correspondence: <span class=”vfb-required-asterisk”>*</span></label></p> <div> <div class=”vfb-form-group”><select id=”vfb-field-715″ class=”vfb-form-control” placeholder=”” required=”required” name=”vfb-field-715″><option value=”Suomi | Finnish”>Suomi | Finnish</option><option value=”Englanti | English”>Englanti | English</option></select></div> </div> </div> <div class=”vfb-clearfix”/> <div class=”vfb-col-12 vfb-fieldType-text” id=”vfbField717″> <div class=”vfb-form-group”><label for=”vfb-field-717″ class=”vfb-control-label”>Sähköpostiosoite | Email address</label></p> <div><input id=”vfb-field-717″ class=”vfb-form-control” placeholder=”” type=”text” name=”vfb-field-717″ value=””/><span class=”vfb-help-block”>Järjestämme ensi vuonna myös tilaisuuksia apurahansaajille, joissa ammattilaisen johdolla tuetaan esimerkiksi luovaa työtä ja vuorovaikutustaitoja. Kirjoita tähän sähköpostiosoitteesi, jos olet kiinnostunut saamaan tietoa tapahtumasta. | Nex year we will organise event(s) for example about how to facilitate the work of creative professional experts. Please write your email here if you are interested to receive information about the event.<br /> </span></div> </div> </div> <div class=”vfb-clearfix”/> <div class=”vfb-col-12 vfb-fieldType-submit” id=”vfbField716″><button id=”vfb-field-716″ class=” btn btn-primary” placeholder=”” type=”submit” name=”_vfb-submit”>Lähetä | Submit</button></div> <div class=”vfb-clearfix”/> </form> <p> <br /> <br /> </p>