Grants and residencies Arts Organising the Finnish tour for “Punch Up! – Resistance & Glitter” variety show Main applicant Bachelor of Arts Eskelinen Mira and working group (Everykaikki) Members of the project Recipients of monthly grants: MacDonald James Lórien, Eskelinen Mira, Kekkonen Juuso Poika Samuel Amount of funding 32500 € Type of funding General grant call Fields Performing arts Grant year 2019 Duration One year If you are the leader of this project, you can sign in and add more information. Log in Share: Back to Grants listing Application summary We will tour around Finland with our Punch up! – Resistance and Glitter club in the spring of 2020. Punch Up! is a show where we curate the most interesting drag, burlesque, stand up and rap acts, and challenge the artists to push their own and the audience’s preconceived ideas on their art form. Punch Up! is presented by artists James Lórien MacDonald, Juuso Kekkonen and Mira Eskelinen, who also perform at each show. For each show, we invite 2–4 local guest artists. The aim is to showcase a variety of styles, diversity of performers and points of view. We draw on our deep networks in queer arts, but also reach beyond to include people of colour and other minorities. Most of the performances are in English, with some in Finnish. We will be performing at theatres and other suitable venues with a capacity of ~150–200. We are currently negotiating with multiple venues. By reaching outside our own social and artistic bubbles and mixing traditionally separate genres notable precisely for their conventions and specificity, we recontextualise their meaning and provide new vantage points to receive the work. This provides not only an opportunity for the audience to experience something new, but also the performer, who is able to perceive a new way of looking at their own art. It could be argued that this mutual act of seeing things differently is a contributing factor to what many people have described as the “community” feeling they get from attending or performing at Punch Up! Project report summary Toteutimme Punch Up! – Resistance & Glitter -esityksen kiertueen suurimmilta osin keväällä 2022. Ennen koronapandemiaa ehdimme toteuttaa kaksi kiertue-esitystä, kaiken kaikkiaan toteutimme 15 esitystä 8 eri kaupungissa, ja kuratoimme jokaiseen kaupunkiin erilaisen, 3-5 vierailevasta taiteilijasta koostuvan esiintyjäkaartin. Kiertueen aikana Punch Up! -klubille myönnettiin sekä Vuoden Teatteriteko 2021 - että Thalia 2022 -palkinnot. Toteutimme myös historiallisen vierailun Kansallisteatterin Suurelle näyttämölle. Back to Grants listing