.Is there a way to post-scarcity?

Application summary

.My proposal considers the accumulation of crises (ecological, migratory, economic) facing us on a planetary level through the lens of speculative fiction. I am at the beginning of a long term project that takes on the potential of building community within the context of these crises. What structures of support can we find the social, intellectual and imaginative energy to create for the future? What might the forthcoming stage of this new epoch facing humanity need in order to create an anti-colonial, generative way of living together, for humans and non humans alike? What are the routes towards the ‘Star Trek’ style post-scarcity version of our future? By this I mean, an equitable post capitalist future where all people have what they need. This idea sounds extremely utopian, yet retains the ability to believe it is possible to imagine a different type of future. How can my work reimagine social relations for the future? How might our present / forthcoming challenges as a global populace (climate collapse, the likely resulting large-scale migration to the Global North from the South / East, which has already begun in earnest, the necessity of reimagining life, city planning, the notion of the nation state etc.) be imagined and anticipated? I need time to work through these questions, centring practices of empathy and imagination in the midst of a phenomenal social upheaval that feels as if it is always in my peripheral vision, sometimes sharply bursting into the frame. The Saari residency would offer a supportive, generative environment to develop these ideas. I will work on a script I am currently researching for my first long-form film work, commissioned within the context of a social accommodation project for elders in London. Through this project, I will apply the lens of speculative fiction to the question of community formation and solidarity in later life, anticipating a future for myself and my peers.