Grants and residencies Research and art Energy-Matters in the context of war. Neo-extractivism, fossil fascism, and the post-national question Main applicant Doctor of Arts Munoz Alcantara David and working group (Red Forest) Members of the project Recipients of monthly grants: Munoz Alcantara David, Radynski Oleksiy, McCarty Diana, Van der Drift Mijke Amount of funding 329600 € Type of funding General grant call Fields Artistic research on performing arts and film studiesArtistic research on visual artsSocietal environmental research Grant year 2022 Duration Three years If you are the leader of this project, you can sign in and add more information. Log in Share: Back to Grants listing Application summary Energy-Matters in the context of war indexes and analyzes ongoing operations of neo-extractivism, datafication, and fossil fascism vis-à-vis a cartography of geographies in resistance. Our research addresses the energy wars with the predicament of planetary devastation. Our work provides a basis for a public internationalist debate, exchange, and documentation promoting eco-social reparations for transformative justice. The proposal advances Red Forest’s research trajectory on Energetic Materialism as a basis for a relational and environmental philosophy of change, bridging Amerindian and Northeast Eurasian Indigenous insights and philosophies. The project encompasses a methodology for studying the social ecology of energy through: 1) Philosophy of Transformation, Indigenous Insurgent Sciences, and Critical Geography; 2) Videograms documenting neo-extractivist dynamics and impacts, as well as documenting political imaginaries in eco-social resistance; 3) Radiograms debating the post-national question in relation to fossil fascism and neo-colonialism; 4) Epistemological contributions for eco-social reparations in solidarity entanglements through translations and publication formats. With this project, Red Forest ventures into long-term learning and researching-with the indigenous resistance movements in the Northeast Eurasia, specifically with regard to their anti-extractivist initiatives in Siberia and the Arctic. This segment of the project establishes sustainable exchange structures between our working group (in Helsinki, Kyiv, Berlin, London) and the activists of anti-colonial initiatives within the Russian Federation - mostly of Ugro-Finnic or Turkic origin. And inscribes the overlooked struggles of the indigenous peoples in the Eurasian continent into the global landscape of anti-extractivist, anti-imperialist, antifascist practices, and bridges them with the Abya Yala (Americas continent). Back to Grants listing