Grants and residencies Research and art A doctoral research project, “Ideology of Heritage, Museum, Cultural Politics, and Construction of National Identity in Finland and Japan” Main applicant MA Shiraiwa Shikoh Amount of funding 80000 € Type of funding General grant call Fields Art curatingHistory Grant year 2020 Duration Three years If you are the leader of this project, you can sign in and add more information. Log in Share: Back to Grants listing Application summary Yosuke Kaifu, an anthropologist that specialises in human evolution, tells us that the migrations, intermarriages, and cultural hybridisations have been repeated throughout human history. Therefore, there is no ‘pure ethnicity’ or ‘pure culture’ existing (2016). As a curator and educator, this statement has become my pursuit of understanding human culture, ethnicity, and heritage- directing more on the fluidity and ambiguity of these elements while showing distinctions and uniqueness. Culture and heritage are ever-changing. Historically, national museums have materialised an imagined superior ‘we’ society based on the nineteenth-century nation-state apparatus, which created ‘others’ as uncivilized groups. Museums have seemingly evolved to maintain their relevance to an ever-changing society. Nevertheless, the recent events of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter have brought attention on global injustice and inequality in museums. Using a theoretical and practical model, my doctoral project seeks to understand how museums can achieve cultural and social sustainability while highlighting cultural and social equality for all ethnicity, cultures, and other social minority groups. This is a multidisciplinary and comparative study between Finland and Japan that examines the relationship between practices and cultural politics within national museums. Simultaneously, I will investigate the relationship between the museum discourse and the role of academic disciplines in a historical context: preserving and reconstructing the West-centric preferences in modern-day museum practices as a global standard. My aspiration is that this comparative study will shed light on a global pattern of how national museums negotiate power. There is a need for the decolonisation of museums and, to some extent, within academic disciplines. I will seek the future museum direction to support a sustainable society for all of us to co-exist. Project report summary My project "Ideology of Heritage, Museum, Cultural Politics, and Construction of National Identity in Finland and Japan", to pursue how the museum could contribute to achieving a culturally and socially sustainable society for all of us to co-exist. At the same time, I examine the concept of ‘sustainability’ as well as ‘decolonising’ discourse. Through the extraordinary time in the worldwide pandemic, my research has expanded into a broader philosophical and theoretical approach from the initial plan. I study the museums and their decolonising discourses through understanding the current world system as Ramón Grosfoguel (2011) described it, a 'Capitalist/Patriarchal Western-centric/Christian-centric Modern/Colonial World-System'. Museums inherently reflect this structure, but many institutions are trying to move away from it, seeking more just practices. The discourse of sustainability is no exception. Rather than placing any limitations or restrictions, I broadened my research twofold; comparative studies of the national museums in Finland and Japan as a case study; and decolonising museums, universities and knowledge as theoretical arguments and experiments. This is a transdisciplinary article-based project; three articles for the doctoral thesis study the national museums between Finland and Japan and three to four articles written on decolonising discourses outside my doctoral thesis. Back to Grants listing