
Metsän puolella

The many meanings and future of forests in Finland – Join the dialogues across the country!

The Great Forest Dialogue Day 2 April 2025

What does the forest mean to you? To your community? To Finland? What is the future of forests? 

We invite you to join us in organising a dialogue on the meaning and future of forests in Finland. 

Forests play a crucial role in mitigating climate change and halting biodiversity loss. At the same time, they are an important part of the economy and the livelihoods of many people. Forests are also a deeply meaningful place for people to live, recreate and relax, and an essential habitat for thousands of species. Forests, their meanings and their use in Finland are undergoing a profound transformation. In the future, we must be able to reconcile the different meanings, values and interests of forests and adapt their use to the limits of nature’s carrying capacity. 

The aim of these dialogues is to make visible the meanings and values associated with forests, to diversify the conversation on forests and to support the transformation of forest-related activities. As a result, an anonymised public summary of the dialogues and alternative scenarios for the future of forests in Finland will be produced.

The Great Forest Dialogue Day is a continuation of the Confidential Forest Dialogues (in Finnish)

Read more about the event and sign up as a dialogue organiser here!