Residency artists and researchers Performing arts, performance art Jörn Burmester Performance Artist During my stay at the Saari Residence I will work on various aspects of my new performance-installation Kritik der Weltmaschine. The project focusses, among other things, on the transformation of visual impressions into language and text. As Weltmaschinen or world machines I consider those works of art that present a passive audience with a complete image of a world, like operas, novels or movies. In order to open up such visions for participation and critique, my world machine will focus not on the product but on the process of creation. In a live situation, the artist will react to visual stimuli, like the specimen in a scientific experiment, exposing the moment of creation. The project has a lot of theoretical, artistic and practical issues that need to be worked out before the first complete presentation that will take place in June in Berlin. During my time at the residency, I hope to solve most of these questions and create a reduced version to conduct tests.