Kone Foundation staff in Helsinki

Lauttasaaren kartano

Kalle Korhonen

Director of Funding

+358 (0)50 344 7468

Tiina Toivonen

Director of Administration and Finance

+358 (0)50 337 6544

Lauri Alaviitala

Communications Director

+358 (0)50 526 8336

Laura Lees

Grant Coordinator (grant calls)

+358 (0)44 901 2871

Johanna Fredriksson

Programme Coordinator (Grants+)

+358 (0)44 561 9381

Maria Roivas

Grant Secretary (grantees, changes in funding)

+358 (0)40 670 6486

Reetta Sassi

Grant Secretary (grantees, payments, 'Kamari' bookings)

+358 (0)40 5313 912

Raiku Korhonen

Communications Specialist

+358 (0)40 758 2481
A portrait of Veera Leno. They have short dark brown hair, round eyeglasses and a black and grey striped shirt.

Veera Leno

Communications Assistant

+358 (0)40 736 5856

Jan Laaksonen

Estate Manager

+358 (0)40 779 9580

Martina Lybeck

Human Resources Secretary

+358 (0)40 058 7604

Hanna Vuorenmaa

Administration and Financial Coordinator

+358 (0)40 584 2070

Katri Yates

Investment Committee Advisor

Maija Karasvaara

Grant Coordinator (on family leave)

Marianne Parvinen

Grant Secretary (on family leave)

Suvi Korhonen

Communications Specialist (on family leave)

Silja Pasila

Programme Coordinator (on study leave)