Grantees’ instructions for At the Well blog and Project page

On our updated website, grantees can write blog texts themselves and share information about their projects on a Project page.

Grantees’ blog At the Well

For several years, Kone Foundation has hosted a blog on its website where grantees discuss the work they have done in their projects. We have a blog for Finnish texts (Kaivolla) and a blog in English (At the Well).

The publishing process for the blog has now been rethought so that authors can upload blog posts to the online platform using their usernames. The usernames have been created for the accountable leaders of all active projects.

The At the Well blog is intended to serve as a platform for the grantees to discuss their projects and work. The recommended text length is max. 5,000 characters, but the topic is otherwise not restricted, and the updated blog will now publish even more independent writings by grantees. Otherwise, the core idea of the At the Well blog will remain the same: all blog posts will be listed on the same page and we will share them on the Foundation’s communication channels for others to read.

Once the grantee has uploaded their blog post to the online platform, the Foundation’s communications department will review the content and contact the author by email about any edits to be done and to discuss when the blog will be published.

How to upload text to the At the Well blog

The recommended text length is max. 5,000 characters. Create a title, lead paragraph and any subheadings for the text on the page, and upload at least one landscape format image you have the right to use.

Also, add short introductions on the author and the project at the end of the text using one or two sentences.

You can have a look at previous blog posts here.

Log in to the website using your username

The blog content is uploaded to Kone Foundation’s website using the username. Usernames have been automatically created for the email addresses of the accountable leaders of ongoing grant projects. During the first time of logging in, the accountable leader must create a password for the account.

The project leader can also use the same username to make reservations for the Kamari space available to grantees on Tehtaankatu in Helsinki. If you have activated the account when making a booking for the Kamari space, use the same password to create the At the Well blog.

Sign in on the website at

When you log in to the site for the first time, enter your email address on the row Käyttäjätunnus tai sähköpostiosoite to create a new password and click on Salasana hukassa? (Forgot your password?) You will receive an email link for creating a new password, and after you sign in on the website, you will be directed to the admin view.

(Note: The username is different from the username for the Grantees’ online service.)

On the admin page, you can switch the language to English under Language.

Uploading blog content to the online platform

When you sign in to the admin section of the website with your username, you will see the title Tarinat ja julkaisut (Stories) on the left toolbar. Click on it and then click Lisää kirjoitus (Add new story). Sorry for the mixed use of languages here – we will update it soon!

Adding text

Blog content is added using the WordPress publishing system’s block editor.

First, type a title for the blog post.

In the block below the title (Type / to choose a block), you can paste text copied directly from Word, for example.

You can also add the Paragraph block for the text by using the “+” symbol on the right-hand side of the middle column.

By using the mouse to highlight text, you can see formatting options in a row where you can change the highlighted text to be a header, in bold or italic, or add a link to the text.

You can also choose not to apply more detailed formatting, as long as all the texts and, for example, the addresses on the links can be found in the post – we will go through the format details before publishing.

Adding images

The main image of the blog post must be in landscape mode: the most optimal image size is 1,060 x 795 px (width x height), but larger images in the landscape mode are also suitable.

The main image is added from the right-hand side column under the gear icon: click Tarinat ja julkaisut > scroll down to Featured image > Set featured image.

Click on Set featured image. Then select Upload files > Select files and locate the correct file on your computer.

In the right-hand side column of the view under Attachment details, you can then add the photographer’s name under Caption and, if desired, add a text that describes the image.

Finally, click on Set featured image.

There may also be images in between the blog’s body texts, preferably in landscape or square format. To add images, first click the mouse selector where you want it, then click “+” symbol at the top of the editor (Toggle block inserter).

On the left hand buttons, select the block Image and proceed as you would to add the featured image.

Links to other sites

For example, if a project has social media channels or a website, add links to these at the end of the text.

Saving and submitting for review

To save the blog post you have worked on, press Save draft at the top right. To see what the published text looks like, click Preview > Preview in new tab.

If the layouts of the text and other content do not appear perfect, don’t worry – we will check the format issues before publishing.

When the text is finished, click Publish > Submit for review at the top right.

Publishing the blog post

We will contact you by email about the time of publication and any edits to the text.

After you have submitted your blog for review, it is a good idea to reserve 1–2 weeks for the blog to be published.

The Foundation does not translate texts for different language versions – we publish the text either in Finnish or English, in the language in which it was written.

What is your project all about? Tell us more on a project page!

The project page is a completely new opportunity to share information about your project on our website. We encourage you to summarise the core of your project in a short text or to share the final results of the project. Send your project’s presentation text, photo(s) and other relevant content to the Foundation’s communications department, and we will then put the page together for publication.

Creating project pages is a new experiment for us to make the work of grantees visible on our website and social media channels – we hope to have plenty of projects to present!

How to create a project page

The project page is a new content type on the Kone Foundation’s website, and it is intended for an overall presentation of grantees’ projects. If the project is already further along, you can also use the project page to provide information on the progress and results of the work.

The project page is intended for producing timeless content that does not need to be updated so frequently. In addition to this, all the project’s At the Well blog posts will be listed on the page: we encourage you to use the blog to share the latest news about the project!

The At the Well blog posts written by the people involved in the project will also be listed on the project page. All project pages will be listed on one page.

See here for an example of what the layout of a project page looks like and what the listing page of all project pages looks like.

At the top of the page, you can see the name of the project, a short introductory phrase and an image. Below these, the left column includes basic information on the project and links (such as the project’s social media channels and websites), a full presentation text on the project in the middle column and under that, the At the Well blog posts written in the project.

Submit the project page information to the Foundation using this Word template:

Also attach an image associated with the project, either in square or landscape format. You can send more than one image – the other images will then be added among the body text in the middle paragraph.

Send the material to We will contact you and ask for more information before publishing the page, if necessary.

The project pages are a new thing for us: our goal is to make the work of grantees more visible in our various communication channels. If you have any wishes and development ideas regarding the project pages, we would be happy to hear about them!

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