Einari Aaltonen

Finnish translator

Einari Aaltonen is a Turku-based translator who has published over 40 prose, lyrica and non-fiction translations with various Finnish publishers. During his stay at the Saari Residence he completed his translation of Lebanese-born, Canada-based writer   English-language novel Cockroach. It will be published by Like Kustannus in autumn 2010 as Torakka. Hage’s debut novel De Niro’s Game received much international attention, and amongst other things won the IMPAC Dublin literature prize. A Finnish translation was published by Like in 2009.

After Cockroach, Aaltonen began work on a Finnish translation of Spanish novelist Pablo Tusset’s Sakamura, Corrales y los muertos rientes (Sakamura, Corrales, and the Laughing Dead), which will be published in autumn of 2010 as Nauravat vainajat by Sammakko Publishing House. Sammakko has previously published two well-received translations of Tusset’s earlier novels, Parasta mitä voisarvelle voi tapahtua (Lo mejor que le puede pasar a un cruasán/The Best Thing That Can Happen to a Croissant), and Sian nimeen (En el nombre del cerdo/In the Name of the Pig).

Aaltonen has also translated Scottish novelist Hal Duncan’s Ink, the follow-up to his acclaimed 2005 debut Vellum. Aaltonen’s translation, done with Nina Saikkonen, the translator of Vellum, will be published in autumn 2010 as Muste.

”My stay at the Saari Residence was enjoyable and broadened my horizons. On my morning walks I frequently came across white-tailed deer and lazy rabbits, and squirrels and swans in nostalgic poses. The atmosphere was really inspiring: translation is not simple philological tinkering but a search for efficacious solutions and choosing between them”.